Workshop: Water content determination according to European Pharmacopeia. Micro water automatic determination of multiple samples

Mettler Toledo Karl Fischer Titrator with InMotion KF Pro Oven Autosampler

According to EP, 2.5.32. Water: Micro determination, can be used an evaporation technique where the samples are heated in an oven, the water evaporates and is transferred into the titration vessel by a stream of dry air or nitrogen.

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Workshop: Perform a Dissolution run on SOTAX semi-automated System. Immediate results due to UV-Vis

ATS Xtend™ UV On-/Offline, Sotax, UV7 Mettler Toledo

The ATS Xtend™ UV On-/Offline dissolution tester combines the efficiency of online UV-Vis measuring with the flexibility of an offline system. Tests with online analysis and offline collection can be alternated without any change-over of tubing. If required, measured samples can also be collected to compare analytical finishes or for other purposes.

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Workshop: Leveraging Pharmaceutical Rheology: A Workshop on Measurements, Best Practices and Rheometer Operation

HAAKE™ MARS™ iQ Rotational Rheometer, Thermo Scientific™

The HAAKE MARS iQ Rheometers are well-suited for the rheological characterization of a broad range of samples from low-viscous or water-like up to stiff and paste-like semisolids.

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